Friday, January 1, 2010

a new year

I gained 6 pounds while I was on Christmas vacation. I blame it on my mother and my mother-in-laws cooking. And also on the popcorn from the theater. And maybe even on all the beef jerky that we had going down and driving back up. Whatever it is, I gained six pounds.

I also made a decision while I was down there. I set a new goal. I want to lose another 25 pounds (actually 31 pounds now) by June 15th in order to lose a total of 50 pounds in one calendar year (June 15th-June 15th).

That is healthy and doable. And today I was good. I ate better and I got my workout in, thanks to my husband and kids picking up the living room.

Thursday, December 31, 2009


I took nearly two months off from being good. It is really hard to be good from my birthday (mid October) to the end of the year. Why you may ask? Here is why:

Mid Oct. - my birthday
Oct. 31st - Halloween
Nov. 2? - Thanksgiving
Dec. 25 - Christmas

Now you may think that there is a lot of time in bewteen those days, but tradition fills those days with extra Halloween candy (I was actually better this year), pumpkin bread, pumpkin bread and more pumpkin bread, and all the yummy cookies that Christmas requires me to spend hours making in the kitchen (this year was 15 dozen).

Now do you see what my problem is?

Oh, and to top things all off, right after my birthday, we all got swine flu. It was pathtic.

Now that 2009 is closing, I am happy to say that I met my first goal! I actually weighed 193 on my 30th birthday. I was so excited!

Unfortunately, because I stopped exercising regularly, I gained back 2 pounds by the time we left for our Christmas vacation. I have a new goal in mind and tomorrow is a new day. We shall see how I do in 2010!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

oh yeah

Today as I was washing some dishes, my husband looked at my backside and said, "I can really tell that your tush is getting smaller."

That made me feel so good.

Monday, September 28, 2009


I was all geared up to go last week and then I got sick. My energy was completely gone and I had a hard time breathing through my nose. I am happy to say I am feeling better today, so back to walking the track tonight!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I'm going back on track yet again.

Last week was horrible and I have no excuses, other than I was lazy and depressed.

However, when I stepped on the scale this morning, it read 199!

Let's hope I can keep that up, because seeing a number less than 200 is making me feel so good.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

so sad

Yesterday I was pathetic. I reverted back to my old eating habits, which weren't good at all. I was pretty bad on Monday too, but not as bad as I was yesterday. I still want to lose weight, I was just being lazy.

My birthday is in 29 days and if I want to make my goal I still have 5 pounds to go. I can't seem to get below 200 pounds and it is depressing me by far. That is why I regressed. I have to do this. I want to be healthier and I want to look better.

I am mad at myself and I need to change that.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

trying something new

On one of my videos, a challenge is issued. The challenge is to try the video for 10 straight days. Yesterday was day 3. I am actually not going to do 12 days and skip Sunday. We will see how well this works.